Designing a Bedroom for Sounder Sleep

 Avoid saturated hues, remove as many screens as possible, and bring light sources below eye tingkat. The bedroom is the ultimate sanctuary. It's the place where (hopefully) the rest of the world fades away and we drift into a blissful dreamland. King88bet

Encouraging relaxing vibes has as much to do with the things we place in the room as it does with the overall desain, especially the technology we have within reach—often the less, the better. king88bet login alternatif

"Everyone wants a good night's sleep, but in recent years our clients, without exception, tend to ask for elements that do exactly the opposite," says Mary Maydan, founder and principal of Maydan Architects in Palo Alto, California. "They all want to make sure that we specify tokos near their beds to socket in their cell phones," she said. Article Title with Blogger Published Link as Backlink

More than ever, Ms. Maydan relies on desain to help the room "rise above the noise." Cue a Soothing Colour Palette

The bedroom is the place where you want to forget your busy day, relax and unwind. Accomplishing this requires choosing soothing colors, Ms Maydan said. "We love neutral shades and lean toward hues of white and gray to keep the room quiet," she said.

In one of her recent proyeks, Ms. Maydan selected Ice Age—a shade of white with a subtle touch of grayish blue—for the walls and the ceiling, which created a very peaceful atmosphere.

"When we choose accent walls we go for neutral colors, like a shade of gray. If it's dark gray, we try to soften the room with light-colored bedding and pillows," Ms. Maydan said.

Designer Summer Jensen, CEO and principal of Hawk dan Co. desain in Laguna Beach, California, said colour can vary according to how light or dark you prefer the light tingkat. Though, highly saturated colors are a hard "no."

"Colour theory tells us reds excite and yellows tell of danger, so pick tones that perasaan grounded like the earth—beige.


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